Period 1 – 3/29-4/1

29 March – 1 April, 2012

Period 1 – Week 1

This first week was particularly difficult. I did not complete what I wanted to. If I was being graded, I would receive a F for both goals. There is no grading curve in real life. Since I published this post on the morning of 2 April, I cannot accept credit for completing it on 1 April, so I gave myself a zero on the Habit Factor tracking sheets of Goal 1a and Goal2.

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Wording Out Goals 1 and 2

After much thought and procrastination, I finally have my first two goals… in writing. On this virtual paper. They may seem vigorous, but working toward something – like these goals – will certainly push me toward something better (even if I never achieve the goal). Anyhow, after no post for  more than a week, I present the following goals.

Click here to learn what the goals are…

Starting from Zip

Many or most of us have started from zip – nothing. This is where I am today.

Let me give you a quick rundown of my situation:

  • I am a 24 year old guy and I am worse off financially than when I graduated from high school.
  • I still live at home with my parents.
  • I am $58,121.51 (not including interest) in college loan debt – I pay $515.72 every month.
  • I never earned a college degree, despite spending five years in college (community, public, and private)
  • I have two jobs – one full time as a dishwasher in a restaurant (only 30 hours), and one in a department store as a cashier/customer service associate, only one day a week. Neither job has offered any signs of possible raise or advancement.
  • I make enough (at the moment) just to pay my loans, buy gas and food, (and pay for several online endeavors such as this)
  • I don’t own the car I drive – I am borrowing it from my Dad.
  • The list goes on.

So in other words, I am starting from zip.

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