Goal Setting Training: Failure 1

At this point, Period 1 is well over. Goals 1 and 2 need to be re-worded and re-planned.

There were some issues that I feel caused me to simply abandon these two goals.

  1. The goals were too extreme. I pushed myself well out of my comfort zone. Starting day 1 I did not complete the work and that should have been an indicator to stop early and rethink the goals.
  2. Work – I did not put my work situation into the equation. My restaurant job cut my hours down to 23 hours a week. At the same time the department store I work for opened its garden center and gave me close to thirty hours a week. I started working over 50 hours a week between the two jobs. Monday through Friday I worked on average about 12 hours a day. By the time I came home I did not have the energy to do any extra work. (Note: I left my restaurant job and am working at my department store job nearly 40 hours a week. I now have time to work on goals).
  3. I do not know the exact processes required to fulfill my two goals. How much research is required to write an article? What sort of research is required to write an article? How much time should I spend working on my resume? I need to find these things out before I set my goals.
  4. Including habits such as updating the Habit Factor Tracking Sheet should not be included as required habits on the Tracking Sheet. If I just fulfill this habit every day alone, it shows I am working toward my goal, when in fact I did not work towards my goal at all. It is similar to receiving points at school for putting your name on the test. It gives me some feeling of accomplishment when in fact I do not deserve that feeling.
  5. Including a Time Report for each article is too time consuming. Perhaps I will time myself only once a month.
  6. Once I became overwhelmed with the idea that I had to complete my goals everyday, I just gave up.

I will use this failure as a lesson towards how to set goals that work! I will have them posted over the next few days. Have any ideas?

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