New Month New Goals – May 2012

I have learned a lot from my last set of goals. Since the time I failed at following up with those goals more than a month ago, I haven’t been working toward any goals. It is safe to say that I am in the same position now as I was in last month. I do, on the other hand, have more time since I quit my restaurant job. I can spend this on whatever goal I am working toward.

Last month I found that I lost my willpower to work toward my goals. Why? I believe it is because my goals were too extreme. I am a complete newbie at setting goals and following them – allocating my time, and spending it.

For most of my life I would fly by the seat of my pants on a daily basis. I would sit on my computer and just meander the internet. I am going to start working on changing that this month. I will work on spending my time wisely.

First off, I wrote a new Personal Constitution – like I had one already? I wrote a Personal Constitution last year (November 28th, 2011) so I could change my lifestyle and gain some sort of success. This Personal Constitution had guidelines that I had to fulfill every day, with some exceptions. These two guidelines were:

  1. No TV/computer after 8pm.
  2. Up every day at 5:30am. Exception: One day a week, either Saturday or Sunday.

I followed this Personal Constitution for a while but eventually started making exceptions for the first rule. I should have followed my repeal rules, but I decided to completely abandon the Constitution in full. As a result, I started feeling bad every day and I didn’t really accomplish anything other than showing up to work every day.

When I tried to accomplish my first two goals on this website, I did not follow them more than a day. It was too much. So since May 1st, I decided that the best thing to do is follow a Personal Constitution (again), but use these two rules:

  1. Out of bed at or before 5:30am everyday. Exception: One day/week, either Saturday or Sunday.
  2. Use daily time log.

So far I have been pretty good with both of these goals. They both seem reasonable and I have been able to keep up with them. Now I need to figure out a writing schedule. How often should I post an article on InfoBarrel? Once a day? Three times a week?

I have some problems writing and I should sort these out before adding them to my daily routine. One of them is that I have trouble determining a topic. The second is that I tend to write lengthy articles. So each article takes several hours to figure out a topic, brainstorm, map, and write the topic. So with some work I can get the ball rolling and get some momentum.

Also, I just read this one book called the $100 Dollar Startup by Chris Guillebeau. This book really started to get some ideas flowing. I need to do two things. The first is continue to write articles on InfoBarrel. The second is to start a project on this website. The most important thing I must do is make my first dollar. As fast as possible. All while bringing as much value as I can to you.

When I come up with a writing schedule, I’ll post it on here.

Also, I wrote a few more articles that you may be interested in:

How to Get a Promotion at Work: Get Permission from Your Customers

How to Get a Promotion at Work: Good Decision Making

Seven Day Work Week? Think Again!

How to Improve Willpower: Step 1. Personal Constitution

So what do you think about what I’m doing?